10 Amazing Benefits Of Mineralized Alkaline Water

Every day, our body strives to maintain a balance between acid and alkaline. Stress, poor sleep, an imbalanced diet, alcohol, tobacco, and the lack of physical activity all cause acidity and force the

What is Birm media? Application of Birm for iron removal in water purification

Birm: Economical Iron/Manganese Removal. The following product information is based on documentation from Clack Corporation, manufacturer of Iron/Manganese reduced by Birm What is Birm? Birm is actually an acronym for “Burgess

What is hydrogen water? Uses and precautions when using

Currently, hydrogen water is often mentioned with its uses for human health such as slowing down the aging process, helping muscles recover, and making the mind and body more alert. So

Reasons why water filter does not produce water and how to fix it

“Why does the water filter not produce water?”, “How to fix the water filter that does not produce water?” These are the questions that many people often ask when having problems

How to choose the best water treatment system

Maybe the water at your house tastes ok, but you occasionally smell rotten eggs when you turn on the faucet. Whether it’s an unpleasant odor, a strange taste, itchy skin, water

What is Melt Blown Filter Cartridges?

Melt Blown Filter Cartridges are cylindrical filters made from the finest polymer fibers that are melted and collected through a rotating shaft. The polymer passes through a tubular path and is

What is pH in water? How much pH is good for drinking water?

You may have heard the word “pH” used to describe the quality of drinking water, but do you know what it means? 1. Definition of pH pH is a measurement of charge

The higher the recovery rate of the RO system, the better?

Reverse osmosis technology is the highest technology among man-made water production technologies today, the purity is almost 100%. The reverse osmosis element is used to improve the purity of the water

What is the difference between RO water purifier with wastewater and without wastewater?

Many people feel it’s a waste to hear that RO water purifier produce a large amount of wastewater. Some people are confused about this amount of wastewater when deciding to buy

What is Anthracite filter media? Its application in water filtration

Anthracite media is a filtration medium mainly used for water filtration and wastewater treatment. It has benefits such as higher service flow rates, longer filter runs, reduced backwash rates, reduced head loss compared

Quotation for water production system to produce pure water bottles of 20L

Pure water production line business can be considered a profitable profession. Therefore, many people want to invest in this field but still do not know how much it costs to prepare,

Instructions for installing a filter distributor for composite filter tank

Instructions for installing a filter distributor for composite filter tank