Utility to calculate UVC sterilization dose of UV rays. Determine the dose mJ/Cm2 of the UV lamp and estimate its suitability for the water source being used


Input Data Unit
UV power W
UV flowrate
The higher the flow, the lower the UVC dose
%UVT (Ultraviolet Transmittance) Fluctuates depending on water quality (refer to the table below), default utility is 100% based on distilled water %
UV light intensity* This intensity is different for each different UV set, requiring a UV meter to determine mW/Cm2
UVC chamber diameter M
Length of UVC chamber M
Quartz tube diameter M
Quartz tube length M
Number of quartz tubes M


Results Unit
UVC chamber volume M3
The volume occupied by the quartz tube M3
Actual volume of water in the UVC chamber M3
Retention time of water in UVC chamber S
The corresponding UVC dose Please refer to the table below to determine whether this UVC dosage is suitable for the type of water you are using mJ/Cm2

Table to look up the required UVC dosage for different types of water (for reference)

Typical Application/
Loại nước
Typical UVT %/
% UVT (độ truyền tia cực tím trong nước)
Normal Required Dose/
Liều lượng UV cần thiết
Drinking Water/
Nước uống
90% - 95%25 mJ/cm2 RED - 40 mJ/cm2 RED
Nước thải
50% - 80%30 mJ/cm2 Wall Dose
Swimming Pools/
Nước hồ bơi
94%60 mJ/cm2 Average
Nuôi trồng thuỷ sản
85% - 90%320 mJ/cm2 Average
Rain Water Harvesting - Irrigation/
Thu nước mưa - Tưới tiêu/Thuỷ lợi
80% - 85%150 mJ/cm2 Wall Dose
Rain Water Harvesting - Filter Process/
Thu hoạch nước mưa - Đã được lọc trong
80% - 85%30 mJ/cm2 Wall Dose
Process Water - Towns Main/
Xử lý nước thị trấn
90%30 mJ/cm2
Cooling Loops/
Vòng làm mát
70% - 90%30 mJ/cm2
Water after advanced treatment (membranes, reverse osmosis)/
Nước RO
90%25-60 mJ/cm2
Ground water/
Nước ngầm
85%25-40 mJ/cm2
Surface water/
Nước mặt
85%25-40 mJ/cm2
Sea water/Nước biển70-90%

Read more: Instruction for Utility of UVC dose calculator 

Instructions for using the UVC dose calculation utility

Instructions for using the UVC dose calculation utility Unlike conventional lighting products where we can