Utility to calculate UVC sterilization dose of UV rays. Determine the dose mJ/Cm2 of the UV lamp and estimate its suitability for the water source being used


Input Data Unit
UV power W
UV flowrate
The higher the flow, the lower the UVC dose
%UVT (Ultraviolet Transmittance) Fluctuates depending on water quality (refer to the table below), default utility is 100% based on distilled water %
UV light intensity* This intensity is different for each different UV set, requiring a UV meter to determine mW/Cm2
UVC chamber diameter M
Length of UVC chamber M
Quartz tube diameter M
Quartz tube length M
Number of quartz tubes Piece


Results Unit
UVC chamber volume M3
The volume occupied by the quartz tube M3
Actual volume of water in the UVC chamber M3
Retention time of water in UVC chamber S
The corresponding UVC dose Please refer to the table below to determine whether this UVC dosage is suitable for the type of water you are using mJ/Cm2

Table to look up the required UVC dosage for different types of water (for reference)

Typical Application/
Loại nước
Typical UVT %/
% UVT (độ truyền tia cực tím trong nước)
Normal Required Dose/
Liều lượng UV cần thiết
Drinking Water/
Nước uống
90% - 95%25 mJ/cm2 RED - 40 mJ/cm2 RED
Nước thải
50% - 80%30 mJ/cm2 Wall Dose
Swimming Pools/
Nước hồ bơi
94%60 mJ/cm2 Average
Nuôi trồng thuỷ sản
85% - 90%320 mJ/cm2 Average
Rain Water Harvesting - Irrigation/
Thu nước mưa - Tưới tiêu/Thuỷ lợi
80% - 85%150 mJ/cm2 Wall Dose
Rain Water Harvesting - Filter Process/
Thu hoạch nước mưa - Đã được lọc trong
80% - 85%30 mJ/cm2 Wall Dose
Process Water - Towns Main/
Xử lý nước thị trấn
90%30 mJ/cm2
Cooling Loops/
Vòng làm mát
70% - 90%30 mJ/cm2
Water after advanced treatment (membranes, reverse osmosis)/
Nước RO
90%25-60 mJ/cm2
Ground water/
Nước ngầm
85%25-40 mJ/cm2
Surface water/
Nước mặt
85%25-40 mJ/cm2
Sea water/Nước biển70-90%

Read more: Instruction for Utility of UVC dose calculator 

Instructions for using the UVC dose calculation utility

Instructions for using the UVC dose calculation utility Unlike conventional lighting products where we can