The reconstituted brine tank is an indispensable detail in the industrial water filtration system, specifically the water softening system, also known as water de-hardening. The brine barrels imported directly by Song Phung is made from non-toxic plastic, has a compact design, and is easy to transport and install.

What is a reconstituted brine container?

Reconstitution is an extremely important process for filtration devices that use water softening resins. Because during the filtration process, the positive ions that cause hardness in water such as Ca2+ and Mg2+ in the water will exchange with the positive Na+ ions in the cation beads of the resin, making the filtered water softer, then the water can be filtered and be used for purposes such as boiling, cooling, circulating equipment,…

After a certain period of operation, the plastic particles become “full” because they have absorbed many ions, causing water to become hard again, thereby affecting the softening performance of the filtration system. Then we proceed to reconstitute the raw plastic beads by adding salt containing a lot of Na+ ions to the water to push all the ions that cause hardness in the plastic beads out of the resin and discharge into the sewer or other subsequent steps.

the reconstituted brine tank is used to store NaCl salt for the regeneration of ion exchange particles. The presence of brine tanks will ensure that the process of reconstitution of cation resins takes place continuously, without causing water overflow thanks to the anti=overflow floats when he process of filling in the brine tank takes place. In addition, the brine tanks have built-in salt combs at the bottom that helps prevent pellets from entering pipes and causing blockages inside the valve and filtration system. 

Highlights of the reconstituted brine tank

The reconstituted brine tank has a convenient design, suitable for ion exchange particle regeneration with outstanding features:

  • Made from PP plastic, it has high durability and mechanical hardness, optimizing operating and replacement cost. In addition, PP plastic is very durable so it does not corrode easily during use;
  • Simple design makes it easy to install and disassemble even if you have little expertise or are using it for the first time;
  • Monolithic design, no joints on the body and bottom of the box helps increase durability and impact resistance;
  • Sizes vary between 60 liters to thousands of liters, suitable for all water filtration system;
  • Simple design, smooth surface, less likely to attract dirt and easy to clean;
  • Diverse color pallets, making it easy for customers to choose their most suitable type;
  • Inside there is a filter to help limit clogged pipes or dirty control valves during the regeneration process;
  • The selling price of these reconstituted brine barrels at Song Phung Company is very reasonable, helps optimizing the economy for families as well as optimize profits for production units;

Application of brine tank

Reconstituted brine containers are often used in

  • Domestic water softening equipment;
  • Pure water treatment line serving the medical, pharmaceutical, electronic component manufacturing, and laboratory industries;
  • Water desalination system;
  • Water treatment system for boilers;
  • Water treatment system for cooling equipment;
  • Water treatment systems in the production of wine, sugar, salted vegetables, frozen vegetables, tea, aquaculture,…

How does the salt reconstitution process with a 5-port manual valve take place?

  • It takes about 30 – 40 liters of saturated salt solution (100 liters of water mixed with about 10 – 15 kg of pure salt) in a 100L salt tank. Use clean water taken from behind the ion exchange column to mix by switching the salt suction valve to “Brine Refill” mode. When the water in the tank reaches the required amount, switch the valve to “Brine & Slow R” mode.
  • Set the valve to “Brine & Slow R” mode so that the salt is sucked from the salt tank into the ion exchange filter column. During the process of sucking salt, pay attention when the water in the salt tank is almost empty, then switch the valve to “Backwash” mode. ”.
  • “Back wash” mode is the backwash mode. Water moves in the column from the bottom up and pulls out the amount of salt washed in the ion exchange column; This process takes about 20 minutes, then switches the salt suction valve to “Fast Rinse” mode.
  • In “Fast Rinse” mode, water enters the column from top to bottom and removes all remaining salt in the column. Leave this mode for about 10 minutes. This step ends when the reconstitution process is completed; Switch the salt suction valve to “Service” mode – normal filtration mode.

The most common design of the brine tank

There are two basic types of reconstituted salt containers: square and round containers. The functions of these two types are the same, the only difference is the salt capacity. The square barrel has a small capacity while the round barrel has both small and large capacity.

Square salt barrel specifications

Thùng muối 60L
Square salt barrel specifications
Square salt barrel specifications.

Round salt barrel specifications

Where to buy a Brine Tank? And what quality?
Round-style reconstituted salt container.
Round salt barrel specifications.

Where to buy a reputable barrel of reconstituted salt?

Currently on the market there are many units selling reconstituted salt containers at many different prices. The reconstituted salt barrel products distributed by Song Phung Company originate from many countries such as India, China, Korea… In addition to providing reconstituted salt barrels, Song Phung also provides products that use reconstituted salt. Used in water filtration systems such as RO membranes, flow meters, reconstituted salt, filter cloth, water purifiers…

See more:  What is the most popular pressure gauge today? 

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Translator: Duong Nguyen Hoang Khang

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