Filtration systems are essential in removing sediments, dirty waste, viruses as well bacteria out of the water before consuming. As technology advances, the decision over choosing a suitable filtration system to the demand of the household became increasingly convenient. Because of so, there is no need for customers to spend precious time visiting shops and stores, instead by visiting websites online, you can quickly purchase with just a few steps. But in order to prevent buying items with low quality, Song Phung will provide you a few note before you decide buying the filtration system online. 

Bộ lọc nước RO gia đình 1000 700
Reverse osmosis system

Learn carefully about current water filtration technologies

On the market today there are many different types of water filtration equipment, from simple to sterilization with UV light filters. As a wise consumer, you should know clearly what your intended use is to choose the right water filtration device.

1. RO water filtration technology

The RO water filtration technology (Reverse Osmosis) works on the principle of reverse osmosis. This is a water filtration method widely used in industry, agriculture and at home. It uses water filtration membranes to remove dissolved salts, impurities and germs from water. The filter membrane with microscopic slits of 0.0001 micrometers allows water to pass through while toxic chemicals, dissolved salts and microorganisms are retained in the membrane.

The limitation of RO water filtration technology is that it changes the taste of water and can remove some essential minerals. RO technology is recommended for use in areas with hard water (1 liter of water will contain 170 ppm Ca2+ and Mg2+) and high TDS index.

RO water filtration technology

2. UF membrane ultrafiltration technology

UF membrane ultrafiltration technology (Ultra Filtering) Uses a filter similar to the RO membrane but has larger pores. Basically, the UF membrane is capable of filtering out most disease-causing bacteria and cloudiness but cannot remove solids and dissolved salts. Therefore, water purifiers using this technology are suitable for water that is not too hard and has a low TDS index.

3. UV water filtration technology

Ultraviolet water filtration technology is a water filtration method that uses ultraviolet rays to kill all germs and bacteria in water. This is a simple but effective water filtration process.
According to studies, water filtration with ultraviolet rays can kill up to 99.99% of harmful bacteria in water. The structure of a UV filtering system includes a mercury lamp inside the filter with the ability to generate short-wave ultraviolet radiation. These radiations penetrate the water and penetrate bacterial or viral cells to destroy their ability to reproduce. After that, the bacteria will not be able to reproduce and will die.
This filtration method often has separate filters to remove dead bacteria in the water. Manufacturers will apply UV water filtration technology with other filtration technologies such as RO or activated carbon.
UV system 20m3h - 440W
Ultraviolet water filtration technology

4. Activated carbon filter technology

This is a filtration technology that uses activated carbon filter cores in the water filtration process. Carbon filters can remove chemicals such as chlorine, pesticides, and large impurities. This filtration process can cause the water to change its taste. Activated carbon filters are not effective in removing bacteria from water.

Than hoạt tính viên nén dùng xử lý khí
Activated carbon filter technology

Comparing prices between filtration systems

When buying water filtration equipment, financial issues are also a problem that must be balanced. If you want to know information and prices for each type of water filtration equipment, you must go to the store for advice and quotes. However, when buying water filtration equipment online, it is easy to compare prices between different types of equipment. In addition, complete product information and images on the website can fully answer your questions. Besides, when buying water filtration equipment online, you can also enjoy discount promotions and quick delivery.

Choose a reputable address to buy water filtration equipment online

Currently, on the market there are many websites selling fake, poor quality water filtration equipment, and floating goods with no clear origin. Therefore, when purchasing water filtration equipment online, you must ensure that the purchasing location is reputable, of good quality, and highly appreciated by the online community.
You can rely on the following factors to choose to buy water filtration equipment online:
  • Having a clear system of stores, distributors, and business addresses: This is the first factor to ensure whether the business exists or not so that the warranty process if the water filtration equipment fails can be handled promptly. timely and quickly. This location must be authentic, can be viewed on google map or search Google…
  • Has been in business for a long time: A business unit that has existed for a long time without any negative reviews also proves the quality and reputation of that address.
  • Having a team of experienced technicians and consultants: When shopping online, shoppers need advice on product information. Therefore, it requires consultants to be well-trained and have extensive knowledge. In addition, when installing or having problems with the machine, we need quick support from a team of technicians.
  • Have all valid CO and CQ documents: Even though purchasing online, consumers can still authenticate through CO, CQ certificates, invoices and documents showing the product’s origin.
  • There are full warranty cards, warranty policies, shipping policies, and clear and transparent payment policies.

Song Phung – the most trusted address to buy online water filtration equipment today

In order to meet the needs of customers to buy water filtration equipment anytime, anywhere, Song Phung has sold products on the website The website has a very easy-to-use interface for customers. All information such as price, product images, shipping policy, payment policy, warranty policy are clearly published. Customers can contact hotline 0913.90.72.74 – 0984.620.494 or chat directly on website for product advice. In addition, Song Phung also provides customers with useful knowledge about products, technology, and water standards so that customers have full information before purchasing necessary products and related products.

mua hang online
Website sells reputable online water filtration equipment.

More than 10 years on the market, Song Phung is chosen by customers because all water industry equipment products are imported and have clear origin; Consulting staff with deep knowledge can solve customers’ problems; genuine warranty policy; affordable price; Good promotion policy.

See more: Useful instructions for calculating RO membrane cleaning chemicals

Please visit the website to buy good, genuine products and become a wise consumer!

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