Boiling water is used in emergency situations when the local water supply may be contaminated with germs that cause illness or disease. Boil water advisories are due to natural disasters such as storms, floods, water main breaks and chemical spills, or when there is known microbiological contamination in the water source.

What contaminants might be in my water?

When water lines are damaged due to damage or natural disasters, contaminants can enter the water supply. Bacteria, Cryptosporidium, Giardia, E. coli and viruses are the most common contaminants during boil water recommendations. These contaminants are rarely life-threatening, but they can make people seriously ill. Young children, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems are most at risk. These organisms primarily affect the digestive system, causing diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea, and vomiting with or without fever. Boiling water will neutralize bacteria that have contaminated the water, keeping you and your family safe during the boiling process.

How long should water be boiled to ensure safety?

To destroy harmful microorganisms during the recommended boiling process, boil water for at least 1 minute (or 3 minutes for altitudes greater than 6,500 ft.). Then, let the water cool naturally and store safely in clean, covered containers. While boiling is very effective at removing bacteria, viruses, and protozoa from water, remember that boiling will not remove other contaminants, such as heavy metals, salts, and chemicals. matter.

Quy trình đun sôi nước.
How long should water be boiled to ensure safety?

Do I need to boil tap water if it is filtered?

Yes, it is important to boil all tap water even if it has been filtered. Most water filters (activated carbon, charcoal, filter pitchers, etc.) are not suitable for use with microbiologically unsafe water and do not kill bacteria or viruses. Activated carbon filters are very good at removing organic compounds that contaminate water’s odor and taste, but they are not designed to safely remove biological contaminants on their own. If a boil water advisory is in effect, your filtered water is still at risk of contamination. Even if you have a refrigerator or ice filter, do not use ice from ice trays, dispensers or ice makers. Instead, make your own ice using boiled or bottled water.

Do I need to boil water if I have a reverse osmosis system?

Although not designed to remove biological pathogens, RO, ultrafiltration, and other absolute-rated sub-micron filters can reduce them. If your reverse osmosis system is working properly, you do not need to boil your water. However, all filters and refilter’s must be replaced and the system and tank cleaned after the order is lifted. If the boil water advisory lasts more than a day, you will also need to replace your RO membrane. If you have any reason to believe that your reverse osmosis system may not be operating optimally, do not trust it to remove contaminants from your water. Instead, use boiled, bottled or sterilized water.

A UV cleaning system is the safest way to clean water during a boil water advisory. UV purifiers use ultraviolet light to break down microbial DNA. UV exposure targets the genetic code of organisms, rendering them unable to reproduce or function. This completely eliminates any bacterial or viral threat posed by the organism. Ultraviolet cleaning is one of the most effective methods for purifying microbiologically unsafe water. If you have a UV system installed, there is no need to boil the water.

What should I do if there is no power during the boil water advisory?

If you do not have power during the boil water advisory, use only bottled or treated water until the advisory expires. If you don’t have bottled water and can’t boil it, you can use unscented household bleach to disinfect. Be sure to use appropriate chlorine bleach for disinfection and cleaning. Using a clean dropper, add 8 drops (about ⅛ teaspoon) of undiluted bleach to one gallon of contaminated water. Stir the water and let it stand for 30 minutes. If the water then becomes cloudy, repeat the procedure. The water may smell like chlorine, but it is safe to use. Depending on the amount of sodium hypochlorite in the bleach, you may need to adjust the amount added to the water.

 Water volume 6% of bleach needed to be added 8.25% of bleach needed to be added
1 liter/liter 2 drops 2 drops
1 liter 8 drops 6 drops
2 gallon 16 drops (1/4 teaspoon) 12 drops (1/8 teaspoon)
4 gallon 1/3 teaspoon 1/4 teaspoon
8 gallon 2/3 teaspoon 1/2 teaspoon

When preparing sterilized drinking water, always take safety precautions. Use bleach in a well-ventilated area and avoid contact with skin.

Other disinfection methods

  • Iodine: Common household iodine, also known as “iodine tincture,” is found in many first aid kits and medicine cabinets. In a clean dropper, add five drops of 2% iodine to each quart or quart you are sterilizing.
    Disinfectant tablets: Iodine tablets, chlorine tablets and other disinfectants are commercially available at most pharmacies. These can also effectively sterilize water if you cannot boil water. Since they are sold in different strengths, it is best to follow the manufacturer’s instructions printed on the label.

Frequently asked questions about boil water advisories

How should I prepare food during the boil water advisory?

During the boil water advisory period, any water used in the cooking process must be bottled, boiled or otherwise treated. Wash all fruits and vegetables in boiled cooled water, sterilized water or bottled water. Even if you are boiling water as part of the cooking process, it is important to bring the water to a full boil for at least one minute before adding any food.

Most coffee makers cannot maintain a high enough temperature to ensure the water is free of contaminants. Use cooled boiled water to make coffee or any other beverage that requires additional water.

How do I prepare formula safely during a boil water advisory?

If possible, use bottled water when mixing powdered or evaporated milk. Take every precaution to ensure that your baby does not drink tap water during the boil water advisory, as their immune systems are most vulnerable to illness. If you don’t have bottled water, boil it for at least two minutes (five minutes for altitudes above 6,500 ft.) before letting it cool and mixing it with formula. Sterilize all bottles, rings and nipples in boiling water for at least two minutes before use.

How do I wash dishes during the boil water advisory?

To wash dishes by hand within the recommended boiling time, clean them with hot soapy water, rinse them as usual, and soak them in the chlorine bleach solution for one minute. To prepare a bleach solution, add one tablespoon of unscented bleach to one gallon of hot soapy water. Let dishes and silverware dry completely before storing.

You can use your home dishwasher if the hot wash reaches at least 150° F and includes a full drying cycle. While most home dishwashers reach this temperature, some do not. If you are not sure about the temperature of your dishwasher, wash all dishes by hand to be safe.

Is it safe to shower during a boil water advisory?

It is safe to bathe during the boil water advisory, but be careful not to swallow any contaminated water while bathing. Give your child a sponge bath to reduce the chance of the child swallowing water. Consider using cooled boiled, sterilized or bottled water to bathe your newborn. If you have a chronic illness or any open cuts or wounds, consider bathing in boiled water. This minimizes the chance of infection setting in.

Can I brush my teeth during the boil water advisory?

Use only boiled, disinfected or bottled water when brushing your teeth. Swallowing even a small amount of contaminated water can cause waterborne illness.

Do I need to boil water for my pets?

Just like their owners, pets are susceptible to waterborne pathogens and the diseases they carry. To keep your pet healthy, give them only water that has been boiled and cooled, bottled or otherwise sterilized until the boil water advisory is lifted.

How do I flush the water system after the boil water advisory is lifted?

There are several steps to flushing the pipes and water systems at your home or business. Make sure you follow the steps below in the order listed.

  1. Throw away all water and ice: Throw away all ice cubes, drinks, baby formula, and uncooked foods (like soup) prepared with contaminated water on the day of the consultation. Clean out soda makers and coffee makers that have water in them.
  2. Drain all hot water faucets: Start with faucets on the highest level of your home or business (e.g., second-floor bathroom). Drain all hot water faucets including the tub and shower for at least 5 minutes. This will clean the pipes, fixtures and hot water tank.
  3. Flush all cold water taps: Once the hot taps have been flushed, flush all cold water taps, starting with those at the highest level, for at least 5 minutes. This includes kitchens, bathrooms, wet bars, and utility sinks. Don’t forget to flush the refrigerator’s water supply system as well.
  4. Flush all fixtures: Flush all remaining faucets and fixtures including faucet bibs, outside faucets, or fixtures not used for drinking water. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and disinfecting CPAP machines, humidifiers, and other health care or medical equipment that has come into contact with water. Be sure to also regenerate the water softener manually.
  5. Replace all filters: Once pipes and fixtures have been flushed, whole-house sediment filters, reverse osmosis pre-filters, refrigerator filters, and residential filters used at other points should also be changed. If the boil advisory is only in effect for a few hours, your reverse osmosis membrane will be fine. However, if your reverse osmosis system has not been running for a day or more, there may be bacteria growing in it. In such cases, the membrane should also be replaced

Is my well water safe after a flood?

Well water requires detailed cleaning and disinfection methods after major floods. It is difficult for a homeowner to completely disinfect their well after a flood, so you should contact a well or pump contractor after a flood. After the floodwaters recede, a professional must inspect the well and begin the inspection and treatment process. For more information, see this information outline from the EPA .

See more: Lõi lọc tinh sợi quấn là gì?

To learn more about other powerful and unique water filtration systems distributed by Song Phung, order online at the website or call hotline 0913.90.72.74 – 0984.620.494 to be consulted in detail.

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Translator: Duong Nguyen Hoang Khang

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